Wednesday 24 February 2010

Research: Title Sequences

This questionnaire has been constructed for people of all age groups. It is about title sequences of thriller films. The questionnaire is aiming to provide us with analysis of what people are looking for within a title sequence, what makes a good title sequence to them and what conventions they prefer to see in a thriller.
I will ask 10 people of a ranging age group.

From the selection of results, I have concluded that, out of the ten people questioned, the majority preferred a mystery at the beginning of a thriller film. They also prefer both the antagonist and protagonist to be established at the beginning, and they refer to props as being an important aspect. Concerning the concept of suspense, there was a 50/50 decision, this also occurred with the question about the Enigma being established at the beginning. However, most people thought that a title sequence should be fairly confusing and not too obvious, and the minority believed that character flash-backs were needed, but they stated they could be interesting.

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