Wednesday 10 February 2010


The opening of 'Monster' begins with the main female character as a child- this technique engages the audience because they learn to relate to this character as her profile builds up. We begin to understand her childhood and maybe even sympathise with her, before we learn she has become a serial killer.

For our thriller 'Paperchain' we have a similar idea. In 'Paperchain' we use a younger version of the serial killer to create a a sense of mystery and intrugue for the audience. We want to leave the audience wanting more, as the title sequence to our thriller does not fully explain the serial killer's reason for murdering, it only toys with an idea of his isolation as a child. Also, having a flashback of the character's childhood provides some background information/history for the audience to relate to.

We think that it is a good way to instantly get the audience's attention and to keep it throughout the film because there is a pre-enigma of 'why did a child become a serial killer?'.

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