Thursday 25 February 2010

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Research: Title Sequences

This questionnaire has been constructed for people of all age groups. It is about title sequences of thriller films. The questionnaire is aiming to provide us with analysis of what people are looking for within a title sequence, what makes a good title sequence to them and what conventions they prefer to see in a thriller.
I will ask 10 people of a ranging age group.

From the selection of results, I have concluded that, out of the ten people questioned, the majority preferred a mystery at the beginning of a thriller film. They also prefer both the antagonist and protagonist to be established at the beginning, and they refer to props as being an important aspect. Concerning the concept of suspense, there was a 50/50 decision, this also occurred with the question about the Enigma being established at the beginning. However, most people thought that a title sequence should be fairly confusing and not too obvious, and the minority believed that character flash-backs were needed, but they stated they could be interesting.

Research: Target Audience

This is a questionnaire to gather information on our target audience of 15 year olds.
I aim to ask 10 15 year olds (5 male/ 5 female- to keep it fair) about their opinions on thriller films for their age group...

Thursday 18 February 2010


This is the Preliminary Exercise we carried out, in order to practice camera work.
The storyline was improvised by everyone involved, enjoy.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Paperchain Script

Street name sign warlock road establishing location – day
Child on swing swings slowly. Isolated.
[Gets off holds PAPERCHAIN.]
[Barely showing]
Killer sitting at desk, desk impeccably clean and neat.
Briefcase seen besides feet.
Back, arms, hands only shown.
As he cuts up paper chains
Very precisely using ruler to measure each bit.

Killer standing glazing at water.
Killer pulls out paper chain
Bends down places in lake
Paper chain in water drowns
Lays it in pond



The opening of 'Monster' begins with the main female character as a child- this technique engages the audience because they learn to relate to this character as her profile builds up. We begin to understand her childhood and maybe even sympathise with her, before we learn she has become a serial killer.

For our thriller 'Paperchain' we have a similar idea. In 'Paperchain' we use a younger version of the serial killer to create a a sense of mystery and intrugue for the audience. We want to leave the audience wanting more, as the title sequence to our thriller does not fully explain the serial killer's reason for murdering, it only toys with an idea of his isolation as a child. Also, having a flashback of the character's childhood provides some background information/history for the audience to relate to.

We think that it is a good way to instantly get the audience's attention and to keep it throughout the film because there is a pre-enigma of 'why did a child become a serial killer?'.

Thriller Ratings << this is a link too the universal ratings, and what you may show in any screening of cinema related.

15 –
Suitable only for 15 years
and over
No one younger than 15 may
see a ‘15’ film in a cinema.
No one younger than 15 may
rent or buy a ‘15’ rated
video work.

The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory
language or behaviour.
Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not
promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily
accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example,
aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.
Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic
or sexualised.
Imitable behaviour
Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and
self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be
copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.
There may be frequent use of strong language (for example,
‘fuck’). The strongest terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be
acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated
use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.
Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without
strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a
non-sexual or educational context.
Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail.
There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour,
but the strongest references are unlikely to be acceptable
unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is
sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is
appropriate for 15 year olds.
Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction
of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to
be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also
unlikely to be acceptable.
There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence
but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and
have a strong contextual justification.

We have decided too use a 15 rated certificate for our thriller. this decision was based on the fact that we have moderate violence and we have no pornography throughout.

Location Images


Hyde Park

Sunday 7 February 2010

Analyse of Thriller Opening

Shot List

Shanti: This is a video I found on YouTube, it explains the "Dos" and "Don'ts" of camera work and shots. It is quite useful.


The storyboard is organised into three separate scenes...
1. The flashback of the serial killer- a boy in a deserted park.
2. Man (present day) at his desk, stationary precisly ordered, he is looking at pictures of murders he has commited and he is cutting up paperchains, like a perfectionist.
3. Man in a park in London (Hyde Park- establishing location), he is walking near to the lake, then bends down and drops a Paperchain in the lake, the camera focuses on the Paperchain floating in the water, it eventually drowns, and then there is a fade out.

Making a Paperchain

Behind the Scenes: The making of "Paperchain"...

Here are a couple of photos from our filming in Hyde Park and another Park, both in London.

Friday 5 February 2010

Thursday 4 February 2010

How to make a Paperchain :)

Within our thriller, there are various Paperchains in use, it is the main prop. So we had to learn how to make them!
I researched on youtube for a video on how to make a Paperchain, and found this, and then I learnt how to make them myself.

Them! (idea 1)

Fiona is an ordinaray teenage girl. Everything in her life is normal just the way she wants it...but this harmony wont last forever. Fiona starts seeing "these" things everywhere she goes. But what are they. All we know is that they wont leave her alone, they will only leave her alone after they finish their mission to take over her body, but will they?

Paperchain (Chosen Synposis)

This is the finalised synopsis for our thriller...

Kiras Reflection (idea 2)

Newton's Cradle