Saturday 10 April 2010

Sry for the late late post I had problems with the program and problems to actually upload the video on to youtube.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Evaluation Question3

Individual Evaluation

is in progress and going to be here befor midnight...or tomorrow midnight :D

Shanti and Dunias Evaluation part1

bad video quality but for now,,,this is part1

Shanti and Dunias' Evaluation part2

,,,after compressing the file again and again something is still wrong with the other half of the file :S

Saturday 3 April 2010


HEY There!
So we've done our Evaluation and everything seemed to be going quite good. But then I try to upload it on Youtube and it just dosen't seem to work!WHY?? Well its because our video is too long for Youtube.(yey we've got Quality AND Quantity)The other problem is that the videofile is m4V means I can't just go to WindowsMovieMaker and cut it into two parts as I usually would have .That means befor I can actually work on it I have to convert it to a WMV file...and as we all know, nothing is for free. I'll may have to buy a video converter or go to College on Tuesday and try to do it be able to work on the length of the video. Wish me good Luck!!

Newton's Cradle